Organ Recital and Masterclass with François Espinasse

The French organ music of Vierne and Couperin

24 February 2020

Victoria Concert Hall (Recital)

Singapore Bible College (Masterclass)

Our chapter and the Victoria Concert Hall were delighted to host the French organist François Espinasse when he visited Singapore for a VCHpresents: Organ recital and an organ masterclass.

Known to bring a distinct French perspective to organ repertoire, Prof. Espinasse is co-titular organist at the Church of Saint-Séverin in Paris and the Professor of Organ at the National High Conservatory of Music and Dance of Lyon.

A concert of vivid imagery

The audience was treated to pieces by J.S. Bach (that were transcribed by his mentor Isoir) and French works for the organ by Guilain, Franck, Vierne and Alain. The most memorable piece must have been Alain’s Litaines, who as Prof. Espinasse pointed out, contained sections that reminded one of the sound that trains make on tracks!

Programme booklet

Refining the legato technique in playing French organ repertoire

At the Singapore Bible College later that evening, Prof. Epinasse spoke to the music of François Couperin, (which the latter composed for liturgical use, specifically the Holy Mass). Four of our members presented pieces by Couperin and Vierne.

The Rodgers organ of the Singapore Bible College.
Prof. Espinasse discussing with Loraine the finer points of the Fourth Couplet, the “Domine deus, Rex caelistis” Basse de Trompette from Couperin’s Mass for the Convents.
Testing the Voix Humaine 8′ on the Swell for Couperin’s Sixth Couplet, “Qui tolls piccata mundi” Dialogue sur la voix humaine.
Watching as Isaac puts the “Catilene” from Vierne’s Symphony No. 3 through its paces.
Demonstrating to Calista the legato technique on Vierne’s “Préambule” from 24 Pieces in Free Style Op. 31, No. 1.

While Covid-19 has put a damper on face-to-face activities, we are putting together online events for everyone. Follow our Facebook page for updates!